PixieCrafting Blog

Bookmark Craft with UV Resin

Are you bookworms? The filigree metal bookmarks can be filled with resin! Also suitable as a gift for other bookworms 😉

Don’t be afraid to use these filigree bookmarks! They are easier to fill than you think and you only need very little UV resin. 

The Hanami box from our shop was used to craft this beautiful bookmark.

Bookmark Craft with UV Resin: Japanese Fan

Short instructions: Japanese Fan

  1. Use only thin UV resin with a bookmark!
  2. Mix your UV resin with the colours you want to use. You can use our UV resin pigments or like I did in this case artist chalk.
  3. Fill the openings with one colour and fix them immediately with the UV torch!
  4. Repeat step three until you have filled the complete shape.
  5. (optional) Stick a few rhinestones with a little UV resin in the small holes of the fan.
  6. Tie a ribbon to the bookmark

Materials: Japanese Fan

Bookmark Craft with UV Resin: Goldfishes

My second project with the goldfish box was the metal bookmark. It looks beautiful as it is, but I wanted to decorate it with blue UV resin. I love this transparent Blue! ? The less pigment you use, the brighter it is. The bookmark will be also available individually in a few weeks!

Short instructions: Goldfishes

  1. Stick the bookmark on the tape upside down.
  2. Mix clear UV resin with Blue pigment.
  3. Spread the colored UV resin in the bookmark with a tooth stick.
  4. In-between, cure with the UV torch.
  5. Finish curing it in the UV nail lamp (front and back).

Materials: Goldfishes

  • Goldfish Box
  • UV box (or the sun) – any 36 watt UV nail lamp
  • baking paper and tooth stick to mix


Two additional tips: Always fill the bookmark on the back and cure often in between with the UV flashlight! Then nothing can mix through an overspill and mistakes can be wiped off! ?

In our online shop you will find a large selection of beautiful bookmarks to tinker with UV resin.

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Zaubere Cinderella ein wundervolles Kleid, erschaffe Biests Rose und freu dich auf stundenlangen Bastelspaß mit den liebevoll zusammengestellten und aufeinander abgestimmten SchĂ€tzen der MĂ€rchenbox.

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Fairytale Box

Cast Cinderella a wonderful dress, create Biests Rose and look forward to hours of crafting fun with the specially selected treasures of the Fairytale box.

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